love + life

flora beauty love and life patience scents.jpg

The feelings of emotion, the inability to articulate, the fatigue of disciplining ourselves from having real connection with loved ones and friends is wearing down on our psyche. Sure, we're moving about more freely, but always on guard and aware. 

Hypersensitive to our actions and our surroundings, knowing that our movements need to be premeditated, we have conditioned ourselves to reign in our desires until our world is safe again.

We embrace each day with a graciousness, knowing that this behavior is required to allow us a glimpse at the life we love to live. We surround ourselves with visuals that connect us to ourselves, remembering what inspires us, to travel to lands that we long to experience and expand our minds.

Our foods are positive, nourishing our souls to help maintain our well being, knowing these actions are vital. We learn to be patient and wait, to listen to ourselves and our needs.

If you can, spin this time and turn it around – the challenge is there, the opportunity is waiting. Think and manifest all you want, surround yourself with scents of beauty. Create nooks in your home to give you the escape you yearn for, set your eyes on the horizon to ease your anxieties and let love and life seep into your being.

Stay open, find your place, walk through the fire... there is wisdom in these times.


Janette Bower